Calculus and Analytical Geometry

Course Content:
1: Sets and Types of Sets
2: Functions
3: Interval
4: Inequalities
5: Rules of Inequalities
6: Notation of Functions
7: Types of Functions
8: L' Hospital Rules
9: Continuity and discontinuity
10: Rolle's Theorem
11: Increasing Function
12: Decreasing Function
13: Central Point
14: Limit
15: Derivation
16: Trigonometric Functions
17: Inverse Function
18: Mean value
19: Minima & Maxima
20: Chain Rule
21: Composition of Function

"A collection of well-defined distinct objects is called a set."

A= {1,2,3}


"The sets which can be defined properly are called well-defined sets"

Set of whole numbers / natural numbers
Set of students in class, etc.

Not Well-Defined/ Undefined

"The sets which can not be defined properly are called undefined sets."

Set of humans in class (LOL)
Set of sharpness of boys
Set of cunningness of fox

Types of Sets

Empty or Null or Void Set

"Any Set that does not contain any element is called an empty or null or void set.

The symbol used to represent an empty set is – {} or φ


Let A = {x: 8 < x < 9, x is a natural number} will be a null set because there is no natural number between numbers 8 and 9. Therefore, A = {} or φ
Let W = {d: d > 8, d is the number of days in a week} will also be a void set because there are only 7 days in a week.

Finite and Infinite Sets
"Any set which is empty or contains a definite and countable number of elements is called a finite set."
 Sets defined otherwise,
 "for uncountable or indefinite numbers of elements are referred to as infinite sets."

A = {a, e, i, o, u} is a finite set because it represents the vowel letters in the English alphabetical series.

B = {x: x is a number appearing on a dice roll} is also a finite set because it contains – {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} elements.
C = {p: p is a prime number} is an infinite set.
D = {k: k is a real number} is also an infinite set.
Equal and Unequal Sets
"Two sets X and Y are said to be equal if they have exactly the same elements (irrespective of the order of appearance in the set)." 

Equal sets are represented as X = Y. Otherwise, the sets are referred to as unequal sets, which are represented as X ≠ Y. 

If X = {a, e, i, o, u} and H = {o, u, i, a, e} then both of these sets are equal.
If C = {1, 3, 5, 7} and D = {1, 3, 5, 9} then both of these sets are unequal.
If A = {b, o, y} and B = {b, o, b, y, y} then also A = B because both contain the same elements.

Equivalent Sets
"Equivalent sets are those which have an equal number of elements irrespective of what the elements are. "

A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and B = {x: x is a vowel letter} are equivalent sets because both these sets have 5 elements each.
S = {12, 22, 32, 42, …} and T = {y : y2 ϵ Natural number} are also equal sets.

Singleton Set

"These are those sets that have only a single element.

E = {x : x ϵ N and x3 = 27} is a singleton set with a single element {3}
W = {v: v is a vowel letter and v is the first alphabet of English} is also a singleton set with just one element {a}.

Universal Set
"A universal set contains ALL the elements of a problem under consideration." 

It is generally represented by the letter U

The set of Real Numbers is a universal set for ALL natural, whole, odd, even, rational and irrational numbers.

Power Set

"The collection of ALL the subsets of a given set is called a power set of that set under consideration." 

A = {a, b} then Power set – P (A) = φ, {a}, {b} and {a, b}. If n (A) = m then generally, n [P (A)] = 2m

Thus, these are the different types of sets.


"An expression that defines a relationship between one variable(the independent variable) and the other variable (dependent variable)
is called a function."

Independent & Dependent Variable


Two sets A and B will find a function if:
  • Every value of the domain should have a relation with range.
  • Every value of the domain should have a unique or single relation with range.(Each domain can't be connected with two ranges but the domain can connect to a single range.)
f: A--->B

Notation of a function
The function can be denoted as:
f: A-->B
y= f(x)
h= g(p)

Where 'h' and 'y' are dependent variables and 'x' and 'p' are independent variables.

"The set of all possible inputs is called domain."

Note: "To find the domain of a function in fraction we have to put the denominator as zero."

"The set of all possible outputs is called range."

Core-Domain/ Codomain
"All the elements of range are called core-domain."
Core-Domain and range are equal if fall the elements of range are used by the domain.

Types of Function

One-to-One Function

A function f: A → B is One to One if for each element of A there is a distinct element of B. It is also known as an Injective. Consider if a1 ∈ A and a2 ∈ B, f is defined as f: A → B such that f (a1) = f (a2)

Many to One Function

It is a function that maps two or more elements of A to the same element of set B. Two or more elements of A have the same image in B.

Onto Function

If there exists a function for which every element of set B there is (are) pre-image(s) in set A, it is an Onto Function. Onto is also referred to as a Surjective Function.

Polynomial Function:

Algebraic Functions:

Linear Functions

Constant Function:

The Real-Valued Function:

Rational Function:

Piece-wise Function:

Exponential Function:

Trigonometric Functions:

Quadratic Function:

Interval Notation
In "Interval Notation" we just write the beginning and ending numbers of the interval, and use:

[ ] a square bracket when we want to include the end value, or
( ) a round bracket when we don't
Like this:

Interval Notation

Example: (5, 12]
This means from 5 to 12, do not include 5 but do include 12


Open or Closed
The terms "Open" and "Closed" are sometimes used when the end value is included or not:

(a, b) a < x < b an open interval
                   [a, b)    a ≤ x < b    closed on left, open on right
             (a, b]      a < x ≤ b    open on left, closed on right
[a, b] a ≤ x ≤ b a closed interval

All lectures notes: Click here (Thank you Talha Zafar)


L'hospital rule:

Continuity and Discontinuity:

 Rolle's Theorem:

Increasing and decreasing Functions:



Maxima & Minima:

Composition of a Function:

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